How to Integrate 3rd Party Software With Clio Grow Using Webhooks and Zapier

Ian Almasi
3 min readMay 24, 2023

If you are a Clio Grow user, there will be times that you will need it to receive data from a 3rd party software. This is a step by step guide on how to do that, using Zapier.

The first step would be to set up your automation’s trigger, but we can cover that at a different time. Here’s what you really need to pay attention to:

The second step in your Zap automation will be a Webhook, and you will select POST as your event:

Then you will have to fill out the URL, Payload Type, Data, and Header under the Action Section of this step.

  • Secondly, under Payload Type you want to select json, as shown below:

